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أخبار نمط الحياة
المطور: Cabdifitaar Aden

Akhriso wararka somalida ee ugu dhambeeyey oo kala soco mobilkaaga.

Appkaan oo ku fududeenayo akhriska wararka kala dhuwan, ka dhex raadso wararka adiga muhiimka ku ah.

Maxaa ka helee appkaan:

Maanta : Wararka oo afsoomaali ah
Today: Wararka oo afingriis ah
Opinion: Fikradaha qoraayada kala dhuwan.
Kala shaandhayn wararka, u heli waxa aad raadineyso .


Akhriso is the first Somali news application specially designed for the IOS platform.

This apps gives you a new reading experience, easily explore news and articles written in Somali. Keep up-to-date with news about Somalis happening around the world as-it-happens.

Whats in this app:

-Maanta: News and articles written in the Somali language
-Today: News and articles written in English about our community.
-Opinion: Opinion articles written by Somali writers all around the world given there opinion about - different issues we facing.
- Able to filter news/articles making it easy to find what you looking for.
- Crispy clear font making reading easy.

Please support this app and give us feedback, we will be bringing more articles, news and better features in the next update.

Get up to speed with all the news from back home and all news happening near you.